Friday, September 27, 2013

Quavermusic news for 9/27/13

Hello Nike Parents! Our year is off to a great start in music! We are all enjoying the hour-long class periods for 1st-4th grades, and looking forward to all that we are going to learn this year!

Today through next week we are in the flex lab, and using Quavermusic to learn about music styles, musical time periods, and much more.  As a reward for their good behavior, I am "unlocking" different parts of the website that they choose as a class.  Hopefully, they will come home and tell you about what they have learned, and you may learn a thing or two as well!

Kindergarten classes are learning how to use their login information to get on the computers, and hopefully during the second semester they will be able to use that information to use Quavermusic as well.  You can help your student by practicing how to type their last name, followed by their first initial, and middle initial, no spaces (for example, John William Smith = smithjw).  This is the school computer login as well as the Quavermusic login.  Their password is all the same, (music1).  We have created each student's account, and it would be great for you to practice logging on at home! Just go to and click on the "Log In" window. Then you can get familiar with the website and explore together!

If you were at Back-to-school night a few weeks ago, you may have seen a signup sheet that you could initial for Quavermusic.  This was to grant permission for me to enter your child's first and last name onto the secure online gradebook portion of Quavermusic. If you didn't see that sheet, or were unable to attend, please send me a message saying "OK" and I will add your child's name to my gradebook.  It makes things easier for me to keep track of when giving assignments.  If not, please respond "No" and I won't add that information. No problem!

I would love to see you at Parent-Teacher conferences in October! This would be a great time to ask any questions you may have about upcoming performances, Quavermusic, private lesson teachers, or anything else.  You can always send me an email at as well. Have a great day!

Ben Wray
Music Teacher, Nike Elementary